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Artículos científicos por:

Lic. Lilian Molina Benavides, Phd.

Docente de la Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Carrera de Comunicación. 


Aprendizaje servicio en el conocimiento de los estudiantes universitarios mediado por TIC. Un enfoque teórico

Este artículo es un estudio preliminar de una investigación documental, referida al aprendizaje servicio aplicado por los estudiantes universitarios, mediado por las tecnologías de la Información y la comunicación. En este sentido, este trabajo tiene como propósito conocer la práctica pedagógica potencialmente efectiva desde el punto de vista académico, a través del análisis bibliográfico y análisis de trabajos previos. Para ello se accedió tanto a obras de carácter nacional como internacional. De allí la importancia de resaltar que existe preocupación ante las demandas de modernización e innovación, que asuman el aprendizaje en realidades concretas de integración teórico práctica profesional y de servicio a las comunidades para vencer el aislamiento y otorgar valor a la participación conjunta en la solución y comprensión de los problemas del medio circundante. La contribución de este estudio se proyecta en las implicaciones teóricas identificadas al aprendizaje servicio, considerado dentro de las políticas educativas universitarias para estimular los razonamientos y ejes temáticos, en torno a los cuales se promueve el esfuerzo común compartido con los actores sociales, para abordar el esquema real de los problemas sensibles de las comunidades. Finalmente, se presentan las referencias bibliográficas que sirven de sustento a la investigación, con especial énfasis en revistas científicas de producción nacional e internacional, así como también libros de textos vinculados al tópico objeto de estudio, que sirvieron de fuente referencial en la ruta teórico-metodológica del estudio.


Mobile Communication Systems: Evolution and Security

With the evolution and popularization of mobile communication systems, especially for access to data services, it becomes increasingly important to have a closer look at security systems. From analog systems to the fourth generation, many changes and evolutions occurred. This makes possible to question whether mobile networks have sufficiently secure systems, and what vulnerabilities we should be aware of. Due to the widespread risk of attacks on mobile communications, telecommunication companies are increasingly emphasizing telecommunication security technologies specifically in fourth generation (4G) technology, in order to ensure the main security functions to provide an efficient service to its customers.


Importance of university communication in times of pandemic

COVID-19 is a concern for everyone, and specifically for Universities, students, teachers and authorities, responsible for public policies. Physical distancing became an element when deciding where and how to study, which reduces the possibility of educating oneself in environments with other people who may be infected. In this context, this research analyzes how the pandemic affected and continues to affect Ecuadorian universities, and its influence on all university actors. The crisis has put processes to the test. Communication is an example of this process that faces an unprecedented situation. In this sense, it is intended to reflect on how the pandemic affected and conditioned the practice of university communication, internal and external communication. Finally, emphasis is placed on the importance of managing the relationships of trust between teachers and students in the current health emergency scenario.


University Communication in Times of Covid-19: The Ecuadorian Case

The COVID-19 outbreak has become a worldwide concern for everyone, and specifically for Higher Education Institutions, their students, teachers and those responsible for university public policies. Social distancing is now the primary consideration for any student when deciding where and how to study, reducing their willingness to educate themselves in physical settings with others who may carry the virus. In this context, this article analyzes how the Covid-19 pandemic affects Ecuadorian universities in the form of a communication and marketing trial, and its influence on university actors. The Covid-19 crisis has put the processes of social structures to the test. Communication and marketing are examples of these processes that face an unprecedented and unforeseen situation. In this sense, it is intended to reflect on how the pandemic affects and will condition the practice of university communication, both internal communication and its link with society. Finally, emphasis is placed on the importance of the universities assuming that reputation is a risk, and that this risk must be managed with the techniques and tools of communication, since the pandemic demonstrated higher education institutions the importance of managing relationships of trust with their teachers and students.

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